Sunday 27 June 2021

Gladys hoisted on her own petard

 Unfortunately our gladys who has a hard problem on understanding what moral duty is seems to have believed her own publicity. NSW has the greatest contact tracers in the world so we do not have lockdowns here in NSW not like Victoria for example.

She did not count on the new delta variant which infects people far more easily and faster than the original. By Friday she had given in and we in NSW are living in a lockdown. ( how come there is so much traffic, Dan Murphys is still open and people are still bidding houses).

It appears the contact tracing is now little different from those bad Victorians. Worse it appears we in NSW have not learnt anything from Victoria. Gladys was very slow on this and do not give me the guff she is following health advice.

I saw a press conference last week where Kerry chant was asked why Gladys was not in isolation for 124 days because of the National party budget dinner. She said it was held in a large room.  Reporters then naturally followed up how come people who were on the same floor at Westfield bondi junction have to which is far larger yet gladys does not. She said nothing. This indicates to me that she is being lent on by our gladys.

Gladys is looking very bad. not as bad as Scotty from Marketing because of the utter failure of the vaccination rollout. 

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