Tuesday 2 February 2021

Albo and a new poll

 I read here and there about people in the ALP caucus are worried about Albo's leadership.

He is not cutting through I read. Okay what is this based on. not the polls which has shown a very close contest. Here is Kevin Bonham on the latest Newspoll.

Now let us take a step backward. The polls got it horribly wrong on the last election. I have written quite a few articles on this. no-one but no-one knows why the last election was won or lost. We do know those on high incomes and retired swung to the ALP and those on low incomes but retired did the opposite.

We are now walking blind. no polling organisation has come up with an acceptable explanation of why they got it wrong and thus how they will overcome this HUGE problem.

The polls thus far since the election have shown a close contest. HOWEVER this means we  cannot trust their results because of what occurred in the last election.

It makes sense it is hard for an Opposition to gain headway in these times of the covid pandemic.

what are these people in the Oppositions on about. what metrics are they using?

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