Monday 8 June 2020

I Can't Breathe

We have observed demonstrations right around the world following the tragic death of George Floyd.
The police behaviour in this episode was disgraceful and they have been rightfully charged. ( see Tim Taylor on Police Reform).

This incident appears to be the straw which broke the camel's back. A bit too late for Colin Kaepernick which was a disgraceful act which now appears to be over although no apology for him.

The first question we must ask is , is this protest just. Of course it is. black lives indeed all lives matter.
The second question is should you demonstrate in this era of social distancing. If the reason is very important then the answer is yes.

I should add an Australian take on this.
Aboriginal people have attempted to link this with deaths in custody.
In my opinion this is wrong for two reasons.
First the royal commission into black deaths in custody found no 'racism' involved in deaths. Indeed by far the largest reason was suicide. I am unsure how the police or others are responsible for suicide. Just remember other people die in custody .
Second I would like to see the differences in arrest rates between aboriginals and others. Some time ago I remember a person giving a paper on crime rates between black and white people in the USA. She found no difference in arrest rates but most certainly in convictions. She put this done to white people being able to afford legal counsel.
I would love for some-one here to examine this. I would not be surprised if this occurs here big time.

This is a concern. If I am a racist policeman I know if i arrest an aboriginal it is highly likely the man will be convicted!

We in Australia should also examine why Aborginals are so over-represented in gaols. We must find ways to overcome this.


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