Monday 1 July 2019

Split the tax bill

The Government will put its tax bill which involves three tranches, today in Parliament.

 The Grattan Institute has a great article on why the bill should be split. I totally agree with it.
My mate Ricardo Ambivalence on the other supports the bills for different reasons mind you.

Now he has sound points on his side however I feel , as Grattan point out, there are valid criticisms to be made of Treasury's projections that allows the tax cuts and also gets a small surplus. As I have said previously I suspect these projections will have to be revised and if so the tax cuts then become a noose around Morrison's neck.
I have a simple method to determine whether tax cuts lead to structural deterioration. If not accompanied by spending cuts then of course they will. These tax cuts have no accompanied spending cuts. They always rely on rising tax income just like Howard and Costello did before the GFC.

We shall see what occurs.

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