Monday 22 July 2019

I have had it with John Quiggin

John Quiggin and his ilk have increasingly become intolerant on social issues however yesterday he went a bridge too far.

He wrote an desultorily article on racism. I didn't think much of it until some one brought up the traditional left wing red herring of Adam Goodes being booed because he was black in other words the booing was racist.
I have previously commented on this issue.

I made the comment at John's site it was absurd to call the booing racist.

Why was ONLY Goodes booed? how come his fellow aboriginal teammates at the swans in the same match not booed if the booing was racist? How come aboriginals in the opposing team were not booed? Only Goodes amongst some 70 aboriginals who played AFL was booed.

This was not good enough  for John. He didn't allow debate at all. indeed he accused me of promoting racism.

Well  John I was born in Bowraville NSW.. People who exhibited racist attitudes towards aborigines did not hold back and it was NEVER against only one aborigine it was against all aborigines.
There is no such thing as the selective racist

I therefore have taken off John's blog from my sidebar. His blog is as intolerant and bad as Catallaxy

I shall continue to have any articles John writes on economics on my Around the Traps when warranted.


  1. You have your own blind spots. i like your weekly round up but you never include Bill Mitchel. Why?

  2. I have had a few just not many.

    I am not a MMT fan
