Tuesday 28 November 2017

There is no case for the 'Christian Baker'

I was totally against accepting same sex marriage ( calling it marriage equality is taking cognitive dissonance to a new level) but arguments to protect the mythical christian baker from having to bake a wedding cake to two homosexuals getting 'married' has no biblical basis at all.

It starts and ends with the statement that there is no such thing as a christian baker. There could be a baker who is a christian.
If you are a christian engaged in commerce there is no suggestion simply because you supply goods or services to someone you agree with their political and social views.
There is no instruction in the bible for Christians to abstain from providing their goods or services to people because it might mean they are recognising a sinful lifestyle for example.

There were plenty of sinful lifestyles in New Testament times. The most common being adultery was very common. Men had sex with their mistresses all the time. They only had wives to have children.
Were christian bakers back then told not to bake cakes for them? No!

If there is the mythical baker whom is a baker out there bake the cake. Take it as an evangelical moment!

I might add it two homosexuals came into a cakeshop obviously owned by a christian and then made disparaging remarks or out to make a statement even a public one simply quote a price far too high for them to pay and go on with your business.

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