Sunday 22 November 2020

Australia's day of Shame

 Australia's elite SAS division has indulged in disgraceful behaviour. Some of the people have committed war crimes. Some enjoyed killing people.

I cannot help but wonder as Daniel Flitton has australia-s-mission-afghanistan-what-was-it-again.

One cannot help but thinking the heavy drinking and the rest were echoes of what occurred in Vietnam. This is exacerbated by being a different war. Are the people you are seeing typical civilians who want to embrace you or terrorists who want to kill you. Are villagers you friends or foes?

We must always remember Australia is part of civilisation. We NEVER EVER should adopt actions or tactics like either the Taliban or ISIS or whoever who simply are not civilised  and are  plain evil.

When we become like them we indeed become just as evil as they are.

This is why we should embrace the report and strongly desire for wholesale culture change. We need leaders of soldiers to be leaders. Thus if they did not know what was going on they should be sacked as they damn well should have.

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