Sunday 31 May 2020

Why the riots occurred in the USA

As I write this just remember I did not take any psychology subjects at Uni.

To me it seems pretty obvious.
People have completely lost faith in the system. They believe the police will continue to kill unarmed blacks in the USA and nothing will happen. It is a severe indictment on the political class in the USA.

What makes the situation worse is the fact more politicians put more effort in criticisng the rioters than they ever do about the people who kill black people in the USA.


  1. Why the riots occurred in the USA

    Why the "riots as opposed to the protests occurred in the USA riots look from the outside as a complicated mix of people, most likely, young people, who have lost faith in the US system, some people who just like to riot to stress the system and have fun (English football hooligan-types) and, probably, some police and alt-right agents provocateurs.

    Mix this in with police forces that seem to see themselves as Rambo-style occupation forces, not peace agents and you have a really toxic mix.

    What is worse is that the more the police attack the basically peaceful protesters the more those protesters are going to despair of the system changing and possibly shift to violence.

    The Federal Gov't's total failure in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic and the egregious falures of all levels of government to do anything about police violence and murders combine to form a toxic stew.

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