Tuesday 27 August 2019

Why are people wondering about Refugees not being in Hospital

A Senate committee is investigating the Medevac bill and was told yesterday that only 4 refugees who have been allowed to come to Australia courtesy of the bill have been to Australia.

Firstly we must insist all people at Mannus or Nauru are refugees or not refugees. They surely cannot be Asylum seekers. The Australian Government cannot take that long to determine their status.

Secondly do people have no memories. All medical practitioners have been talking about the mental health problems of people at either gaol ( as it is a gaol minimum security gaol but gaol nevertheless).

This makes sense. People who flee their country because they are being persecuted or in fear of their life and then are put in gaol are likely to get depressed because of this. Very depressed. Evidence of this is people attempting self harm/.

Guess what,  it had also been said quite a lot that there are no people at either institution to help these people and they could only get help in Australia. quite a few are here BEFORE the Medevac  legislation.
The longer people are in this situation the worse the mental health problems will be

Nobody who calls themselves a christian would want these people to stay on Mannus or Nauru without treatment. It would be inhumane.

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