Monday 23 September 2013

Castle: episode1 series 6

Well it could have been worse.

I wasn't expecting any of the important questions to be answered and they were not.

The episode was passable but that is all. Far too much Beckett and far too little Castle.

It seemed like another series and Dr Cuddy is still not likable at all.

I will find it interesting whether the emotional and psychological reasons why Beckett is such a good homicide detective are shown as negatives in this job. No-one at the interview recognised this at all. Neither Beckett nor the Deputy Director.
I am going out on a limb here but I am betting this will be where the seeds of watershed come in for Beckett.

I am still staggered some-one can say they love somebody and then tell them they have accepted a job which will be bad for the relationship. ( highly euphemistic!). And they accept a job without any input from the person they supposedly love! I am glad my wife doesn't love like that.

My problem now is I have to wait another few episodes until the 'old' Castle comes back with its 'magic'.

I suspect Marlowe may not be writing another series.

It wasn't an engrossing start. My boys will now wait until the episodes are on TV as Castle lacks that vital something and I guess I will too.

Just in case. the Lovely Lady from Writing on the Castle Walls on Watershed    (essential reading)


My boys have just informed me they will not be watching Castle until it comes back to the 12th !

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