Monday 25 April 2022

A few thoughts on the election

 Okay, we have a longish election campaign. My guess people are only now just turning their attention top it. See latest polls from the EXCELLENT Mark the Ballot.

Let us start with some basics. First of all seat polls are crap as Kevin Bonham has shown. Secondly internal party polls are usually lies. We are never told about the size of the survey or the margin of error. Parties very rarely poll only one seat because of the expense. They will survey perhaps 4 marginal seats with 500 people in each seat. Internal party polls should not contradict public polls. If they do treat them with great caution.

As I see it there is a lot of pressure on Scott Morrison this week. Just remember the Liberal party and its apologists are saying he is a great campaigner ( without ever giving us any evidence or even suggesting what metrics should be used to measure this.) A great campaigner would surely increase his party's vote if he is campaigning in essence alone.

The government was campaigning on two issues. the econmy and national security. The latter has never resonated with the public and given the Solomon Islands fiasco could well become a negative. Only Sky after Dark will not pour scorn on Dutton's latest idiotic statements regarding war. 

When one compares the frontbenches then the ALP has the upper hand.

If you trust the polling organisations have learnt from their massive polling failure of the last election then it appears this election is the ALP's to lose.

Whoopsy I should have added a long campaign is rarely a good strategy. The punters never like them

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