Sunday 3 January 2021

What is it about Democracy some Republicans do not like

 Okay new year and all that. The USA had a Presidential election. Biden won easily. Trump has said Fraud was involved.

Yeah I know it makes nonsense to win the Presidency by fraud but completely ignore the senate and the house but whoever said Trump had brains. We should also note a lot of allegations do not make it to court because of the lack of any evidence at all.

We now have evidence Trump is clearly attempting to subvert democracy.  We have a small minority of Republican senators and house members willing to vote against what the Electoral college has certified.

Dubbing the media fake news simply gave dictators and would be dictators the perfect excuse to clamp down on the media. Subverting the democratic process simply shows the same people what to do to say in power illegally.

They are doing this in the USA the home of democracy why can we not do it here would be the refrain.

It is disgraceful this is occurring at all!

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