Sunday, 5 April 2020

Police acting badly again

Before I start let me emphasise the most important thing that needs to be policed is social distancing, that is people being 1.5 metres  or 6 feet away from another human. If this is the case you will not get the coronavirus even if a person has it and coughs or speaks in your direction.
Being at home simply accentuates this but it is social distancing which is the key.

Being at home all the time is horrible. You need to get out albeit using social distancing in anything you do when outside home. I would go as far as saying keeping people cooped up at home is bad for mental health. I cannot emphasise how problematic it is for a family or most of them to be at home all day. We are all used to working away from home and the social interaction we engage with at work.
Being at home all day simply gets on your goat even  for a social recluse like myself.
It is not natural.
(Working from home means you miss out on the social interaction. A lot of that gives senior and middle management information they need to make decisions as I learnt from my MBA.)
 Police seem to have no understanding of this possibly because it does not affect them.

There have been two acts of utter stupidity by police in recent days.

There is now the infamous example of a person who was running who then bought a kebab and then went to a parkbench and started to eat it alone on the parkbench. Police then fined him. The NSW Police Commissioner we must assume agreed with this action.
This man was NOT doing anything wrong i.e. he was upholding social distancing principles but he was fined nevertheless.

My son , who works nightfill on the weekends , tells me a tale of the nightfill manager was walking home after working at around 2 a.m. in the morning. The police pulled up and asked him what he was doing. He told them he was walking home after working. They asked who he worked for. He pointed to his shirt and said the company.
They then asked if they called the manager whether he would verify this. He told them he was the manager. They then left.

This is embarrassing. At best people will lose respect for the police and at worst people will have disdain and even contempt for the police.
We do not need this.

Moreover if police keep up this stupid way of policing then people will rebel against social distancing and  Australia will be worse for everything.

The NSW Police commissioner needs to wake up to himself and realise what the real problem is that is social distancing

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