Wednesday 19 June 2019

Peter Dutton arch Hypocrite

Mr Dutton does not like the Federal court ruling doctors in Australia can make a ruling on a patient ( who is a refugee) in Nauru  by merely looking at their file.

What is wrong here you say.
1) The government has attempted to overturn decisions made by doctors over there with their own doctors making decisions by MERELY EXAMINING THEIR FILES. Mr Dutton walking both sides of the street here.

2) How does Mr Dutton who was only a copper before entering parliament know more than doctors about any patient?

3) His crying wolf about the Medevac bill proved patently false previously why would this time be any different?

4) Mr Dutton clearly doe not understand boat turn backs.  The boats have never stopped coming to Australia although there was a clear decline once Kevin Rudd said no-one would ever be allowed into Australia however if the boats have kept on coming how come no asylum seekers?   Their boats have been turned back of course. Despite the legal  and moral dubiousness of this action turn backs clearly are effective in stopping asylum seekers coming to our shores.

5)Most reporting on this issue has shown this tactic has worked and few people are willing to exchange cash to get here. Some do but not many.

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