Sunday 24 March 2019

The NSW election

Well the election is over. I had to pre-poll as i was umpiring all day. I had the chance of seeing my local member Vic Dominello. He looked as though he bought his suit from Lowes and he obviously had no idea of how to tie a tie!

The similarities with Victoria were eerie.
A tight election up to a week to go and then people sorted out what they wanted to do. In Victoria the ALP went very federal and won big time. On the other hand apart from some photos of Abbott, Dutton and Morrison we barely heard of the feds.
In particular the ALP leader was awful in the last week. Whilst his comments on young chines PhDs was not racist it showed ignorance big time. Daley the ALP leader lost his all the energy he gained when he faced down the ignorant and boorish Alan Jones
Indeed Daley had a lot going for him after this confrontation but he wasted all the positive momentum he had gained..His Chinese comments as I said showed ignorance. People do not like ignorant leaders ( except for the National party of course).
The current premier did not have a good campaign at all. People's memories have been erased by the poor performance of the ALP leader in the last week.

In the washup it appears Daley will be challenged by Chris Minns. although well educated Minns appears to have been a party apparatchik or staffer before entering politics. Not a great look.
Also important here he was the opposition spokesman on water. given this he was the one who should have been the person pointing out all the blunders of the National party and coming up with concrete proposals to improve the situation.  This should have been a godsend to the ALP to markedly improve their position in the bush. It was not. Minns was to blame here.  This shows Minns is not the answer to the ALP problems.

One interesting thing was the ALP, unlike the Libs with Julia Gillard, did not say anything about Gladys being single indeed she does not even have a boyfriend!

Whoopsy I should have mentioned the appearance of john Howard. He literally looked like the living dead. Age has not been good for him.

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