Sunday 17 February 2019

Only at Catallaxy

As Roy and HG would say when too much ignorance is barely enough.
Alan Moran fresh from his ill conceived mistakes on electricity goes the full Monty on the Murray Darling problems.
It is only a myth that the rivers are under environmental stress. Scientists find otherwise!
The Government is also DAMNING
Poor old Rafe laments the decline of coal powered power stations. Despite the blackouts in Victoria being caused primarily because a number of units at coal powered power stations could not operate because the extreme heat affected them.
He does not even talk about units vulnerability in very hot weather. Last year units broke down every third day. Most of these can be replaced by other forms of power. This was impossible as in Victoria because good old reliable coal power gives us so much power.
 Sorry I forgot why this is not a problem We are not get hotter. It is all a BOM plot even though their data is open to the public. Woeful conspiracy.

 He also apparently thinks all solar and wind farms are in the same place.

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