Tuesday 15 May 2018

Israel Folau and Offsiders

Oh dear,
My sons taped offsiders on Sunday and I was forced to watch the program.

Apparently Folau is both a bigot and speaking hate speech when he says homosexual who engage in sexual acts and do not repent and thus go to hell. Indeed they believe he should be sacked by the ARU.

It gets worse. apparently this leads young homosexuals in active sexual relationships to commit suicide. That's right people who have no regard for God and indeed do not recognise him get all upset about being told they are going to hell.
Sorry heaven is not an inclusive place!

Now as I said last time on this issue Folau should have also added that any heterosexuals who engage in fornication or adultery and do not repent receive the same punishment. This makes the offsiders panel just look stupid.

It should also be said Folau has NEVER said homosexuals should bot be allowed to play rugby union.

If the ARU sacked Folau for his comments then he would have very good grounds to sue as I am advised.
I am sure the new CEO knows this but cannot say this.

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