Sunday 29 April 2018

Is Donald Trump responsible for the two Koreas getting together?deserve

On Friday the two Korean leaders got together for 'peace' talks. It all seemed to go swimmingly.
Donald Trump took full responsibility for the talks happening. although it is hard to interpret his usual dyslexic ramblings it appears he thinks his threats made North Korea come to the peace table.

Is there any substance to this?
Well there are ways to examine the veracity of this.

Did North Korea stop all nuclear tests when Trump made his threats? no more tests were made on Trump's watch than any other Presidents.
Okay then obviously North Korea does not possess an ICBM. ( remember there is no defence as yet against an ICBM but don't tell Trump that he thinks there is.
 Well no North Korea now possess an ICBM that can reach the USA and Australia that they did not have until Trump became President.
Well surely they do not have a nuclear bomb then.
Oops sorry North Korea now have that as well.
how about the Leadership was worried about how the increased sanctions were affecting the North Korean people? If they don't care when millions die from starvation in the past why would they change now.

So why has North Korea gone into overdrive to ensure it is now a nuclear power capable of striking against the USA.

My guess their leadership saw Trump simply broke deals so it was imperative to gets their nukes as fast as possible.

The North Koreans knew Trump made empty threats. Any strike against North Korea would bring on hundred of thousands perhaps millions killed in Seoul.

So why did North Korea wish to meet with South Korea? Well now they negotiate from strength. They can offer almost anything apart from getting rid of their nukes. This means their relations with South Korea are on very good terms whilst Trump tries to ramp up even more sanctions.

The North Korean leader has shown thus far he is very good at driving wedges , small admittedly, between South Korea and the USA. He has also shown he is very good at PR. something that is Trump's weakness.

I am no expert on this subject nut I would not be at all surprised if North Korea does not agree to reduce their nuclear capability but offer other concessions to make that wedge even greater.

Whoopsy I have been taken to task for  NOT saying getting nukes as fast as they could do it was a defence mechanism against Trump. Clearly Trump is mentally unstable however even he must understand what a nuclear armed ICBM could do to the USA if he ordered an attack on North Korea.

Two Three views:

Benjamin Habib
Ed Griffith
Virginie Grzelczek

I see 'media star' Robert E Kelly  agrees with me.

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