Tuesday 15 October 2024

A lament on US Politics

 Sorry but I am going all over the place on this.

If Trump wins then what will Democrats do? I suspect they will brazenly lie just like Trump and the republicans are doing now. If you think US elections are bad now just wait for that. The important thing to remember here is facts do not matter. People do not believe them!

Joe Scarborough is correct. This election will be a vote on whether lies are effective or not and thus whether voters have standards or not.

I know evangelical is a different term in the USA. It does not mean they read the bible nor that they regard the bible as God's word and nor do they go to church. Indeed it is another way to say you vote republican but I shall engage them anyway. God does not approve of lies. He hates lies. It isn't hard to read the bible to find this out. On the other hand Satan is the father of all liars. If Trump lies there is no tomorrow then it is pretty clear Trump is not doing God's work. 

I read everywhere that polling underestimated Trump's vote in 2016 and 2020. I also read how voter's main concerns are economic. Hang on have we forgotten about 2022 where polling vastly overestimated the republican vote. Just remember inflation was far more worse then. Abortion was a major issue. It is this time around.

All surveys are within the margin of error and I suspect one person is in front for a comfortable victory but we cannot see this at present. Just think about this. A man who is a convicted criminal , who led a insurrection to ensure he illegally stayed in power and brazenly lies every day each day is neck and neck in the race!

I also wish to issue a mea culpa. I said previously once people saw how 'bad' Trump was at rallies his vote would slip. He is obviously in poor mental condition (euphemism) however it doesn't matter. It is just like his lies. Some people just don't care. Without wishing to invoke godwin's law republican voters are acting a lotl ike voters in Germany between the wars. They like dictators.( They actually approve of Putin more than Biden!)

Monday 14 October 2024

some suggestions for the ABC

 The ABC is looking for some radio presenters. Richard Glover has run a very successful afternoon program on what I call 2BL in Sydney for some 20 years. He is leaving. Patricia Karvelas is leaving radio national breakfast. She was much better on afternoons than mornings.

Here are two suggestions.

Pur Hamish McDonald on radio national breakfast. He has done it in the past when the incumbent went on holidays and as I have said in the past he clearly has been superior. Make him permeant!

You need someone with personality on afternoons. Ellen Fanning has it in spades and her sense of humour is infectious. Chis Bath is very similar but she does not want a fulltime gig.

There you go ABC and I won't charge a fee!

Sunday 13 October 2024

A bit of this and a bit of that

 Problems in Marles office

The Chief of Staff is no longer working in Richard Marles office. She has accused staff of bullying her. come again. She was the boss. How can a boss be the recipient of bullying? Why has no-one asked this obvious question? Is it because she is a woman. It is a  long time since I walked the corridors of power but bullying and being a chief of staff went almost hand in hand in a Minister's office. Peta Credlin for example was accused of being a bully. I find this as basic journalism has not been applied to it. case to be very troublesome.

October7 anniversary

You cannot delete the deaths that have occurred because of the 'war' which was declared by Israel from the october7 massacre. No-one is suggesting Hamas being allowed back into power but the obvious question that Israel and its supports never wil aanswer is how many palestinian deaths are appropriate until the 'war' is finished. By the wat unless Israel is permanently asleep on the job another october 7 is impossible


We has several hundred white people want white supremacy. I suspect covid has allowed these people come out od the rock they were hiding under and go public with their racist beliefs. Hopefully this wil lnot persist.

Thursday 10 October 2024

Around the Traps 11/10/24

 It is time again for Around the Traps.


OZ Climate

Northern America






Andrew Gelman ( mainly stats)

Dianne Coyle ( quirky + book reviews)

vox wonk

Wednesday 9 October 2024

the paradox of having little time

 When I first started writing on this blog I had little time. Despite this I found time to read on topics and then write about them. most of the time they were topics I needed to know about anyway however most of my writing occurred at night just before going to bed.

The paradox is now I have plenty of time to read and write yet struggle to write at times. Most of this could probably be explained by the lack of effort on my part. I think my interest is just not there sometimes. This might be explained by me getting older , perhaps by the world getting worse and being overwhelmed by events.

Let us look at some of the current events at present. The western world are afraid to allowing Ukraine to defend itself. Yeah they give them good weapons but there are strict directions on where they can use them. The Middle east shows us what occurs when two peoples who hate each other with a passion. A lot of innocent people die. I think it was Marx who opined the oppressed can be become the oppressors. This is undoubtedly true with regard to Israel. They most certainly di not learn that from the torah. Then we have the USA. how can a man who is a convicted criminal , lies like there is no tomorrow and whose lies are easily disproven be in a very close presidential race? It says a lot about the US electorate.

It is very easy to get depressed about current events. Perhaps that too is a reason for struggling to write.

John Quiggin is my age and he is still writing on so maybe I should see him as an example. Ken Parish is back in the game and he is older than I.  We shall see as I do have plenty of time!

( I was umpiring yesterday so that was the reason, not feeling sorry for myself!)

Sunday 6 October 2024

October 7 one year on

What can be said?

This was evil from start to finish. Murdering people simply because they were jewish. Worse some were palestinian sympathisers! Even worse Hamas knew what Israel would do in retaliation and yet they still went ahead and did this.

Hamas must never be in a leadership position in Gaza again. 

Yet the Israeli response was perhaps worse! why? It came from a 'civilised' country. Their response was to take little care of where civilians were when they attacked Hamas. This is confirmed in Lebanon as well. If we criticise Russia when they bomb hospitals and medical centres we must also condemn Israel.

The civilian death rate is appalling.

THIS might explain it.

Israel is quite plainly trying to 'egg' Iran to war. The Hezbollah rockets appear to be much overhyped. Israel appears impervious to any Iran backed organisation.

Yet when this ends Israel will have no friends in the Middle East. After a year Hamas is not destroyed but after the killing of all the palestinians we might get a Hamas 2.0. cogitate on that.

Israel is becoming an international pariah because of their military tactics.This is due to domestic politics.

In the end will Israel become safer in the area. A war against Iran would do this perhaps but at the cost of allies around the world.

It is a pity that jews do not read the torah as they call it. 

Thursday 3 October 2024

Around the Traps 4/10/24

 It is time again for Around the Traps.


OZ climate

Northern America






  • nuttin

Andrew Gelman (mainly stats)

Dianne Coyle ( quirky + book reviews)

Vox Wonk