Wednesday 24 July 2024

Israel is NOT a civilised country

 The Israeli PM said to the US congress the war in Gaza is about civilisation versus barbarism.

Let me humbly disagree. No-one would disagree that Hamas's actions were barbaric. They murdered without any compunction Israelis. Many were sympathetic to the Palestinian cause.

Israel's reaction was to exterminate Hamas personnel despite any Palestinians in the vicinity. This is like my next door neighbour brutally murders my wife. I see him with a group of people and kill all of them but justify it by saying i killed him.

Two problems immediately leap out. Firstly you are ruling out any trial and then punishment because you want revenge.

The second is you are essentially saying it does not matter how many people die in your attempt at so-called justice.

Revenge is barbarism. Israel are simply replicating what Hamas has done. Civilised nations believe in law and order. you bring the people to justice and then hopefully their punishment will fit the crime. This is what should happen to every member of Hamas.

When Russia attacks schools, hospitals etc in Ukraine we are outraged. When Israel does it there is silence.

It is not good enough. All the killing of innocent palestinians could simply create Hamas 2.0. This would be the worst outcome.

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