Wednesday 31 July 2024


 The ABS released the CPI figures yesterday for both the quarter and the month.

Although the annual rate rose in headline terms the Trimmed mean fell and has been falling albeit slowly for sometime.

John Hawkins says Australias-3-8-inflation-rate-is-concerning-but-not-enough-to-trigger-a-rate-rise after the figures

My old mate Peter Martin said why-the-rba-is-highly-unlikely-to-lift-interest-rates-next-week-even-as-inflation-climbs BEFORE the figures. Read it it is a great  and therefore very informative article.

There are two views going around about rates. Former Assistant governor and now Chief Economist for Westpac Luci Ellis believes there is a chance of a rate cut in November. Warren hogan ,who looks like his father of the same name, believes there will be a rate rise.

I agree with Luci Ellis and I think you will if you read Peter's article.

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