Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Aghh I am not going to take it anymore


I had no internet all yesterday. It di not come on until the wee hours on this morning.   The communications by the CEO was woeful. Why di it occur and why did it take sooo long to overcome and what are they going to do for their consumers after this debacle? I am not happy at all!

Poll Update

Kevin Bonham is on it

US Politics

Another confirmation that Trump keeps on winning and the Supreme court has given the Democrats a massive polling advantage with abortions

Trump's legal woes

Further confirmation that Trump is  using a  political defence not a legal one in all his legal cases. his rambling in court actually hurt legally but helped him politically. He has put all his eggs in being elected President  ( which won't affect either the case in Georgia or in New York about his company. As I have said before he is no billionaire at all because why is he using so much of his political contributions to pay lawyers who do not appear very good.


Why are people worrying about polls both here and the US. A year from the election Jimmy Carter and Michael Dukakis were going to win easily. Here inflation will be down to acceptable limits by the time of the next election.

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