Wednesday, 29 November 2023

A bit more on the high court decision

 I got more than a little annoyed by both the Opposition and the government about the implications of the high court decision.

The Opposition believes these people are hardened criminals.  Err no hardened criminals are not released from gaol after serving their sentence. A few facts to state. No-one has stated how many of all the people releaseased were ever convicted of offences. The State needs evidence to stop people being freed from gaol after serving their sentence. This can be how they behaved and are behaving in gaol.

Without any reason it is illegal to keep people in prison after someone has served their sentence. It appears the Opposition and the Government wants this to occur to many if not all the people concerned.

You cannot have one rule for Australian citizens under the law but another for non-citizens if you claim to be a civilised society.

I should add electronic ankle bracelets are rarely used in NSW and only in cases where officials want to make sure where people who committed very serious crimes amybe for possibly a year. In this case it is being applied to people who have not even committed an offence.

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