Monday, 26 May 2014

Bill Shorten, most successful Opposition Leader yet thus far?

On the only metric that matters for politicians polling, Bill Shorten the Opposition Leader is easily the most successful Opposition leader we have seen in Australia.

He is currently facing a Government which has only just come into office. This is traditionally the worst time to be an Opposition leader. Indeed many fail and are tossed out by their party however the current Government is the only Government since  polling began not to experience a honeymoon period.
Moreover this has gotten worse in recent weeks.

It doesn't matter what poll you examine the ALP would win if there was a general election.
All this doesn't mean the ALP will win the next election as most people would still have the government as clear favourites given Australians rarely toss out a first term Government however we must acknowledge Bill Shorten has performed much better than most people thought he would have.
One might say the problems are mostly of the government's making. That could be so BUT for the ALP to be riding high in the polls after the recent change in government is quite extraordinary.

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