Wednesday 11 September 2024

Harris monstered Trump

 When something happens and it goes exactly as you predicted it is entirely satisficing.So it was with the 'debate' yesterday.

Let us go back a tad. firstly Trump di not win the last debate. Biden scored a really bad own goal. Indeed Biden's performance let people forget how dreadful Trump was. Also important as Harry Enten pointed out he had lost almost every debate he has been in.

On Harris's side too many people have conflated her very unimpressive presidential bid with now. As i have written previously she could not use her background in the primaries.She was given the nickname Coppala. She then veered left and looked uncconvincing.Everything changed when the Supreme court upended roe V Wade. She was the first to see the electoral consequences. This completely changed her. Her self confidence grew almost exponentially. She then thought she knew the electorate and it showed.

Her campaign was typical of this. A supremely self confident politician.

Harris came into the 'debate' well prepared. Trump di not and it showed. HArris dominated the 'debate' and essentially made the issues. TRump looked old, tired and angry. Harris looked happy, confident and engaged. Most importantly she looked god when not talking whereas Trump looked terrible. Add to this she got into Trump's head and lead him down various rabbit holes and you can see why this 'debate' was so overwhelming for Harris.

Harris looked like an ex-President. Trump did not

If Harris is so dumb then what does that make Trump.

Debates rarely move elections so take that into account.

I might just make a comparison with Hillary Clinton. Clinton had more policies than possibly any other candidate but she had no political smarts. Harris had that in spades. Also important is the point Harris is an attractive woman, Clinton is/was not. This helps.

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