Thursday 19 September 2024

Around the Traps 20/9/24

 It is time again for Around the Traps.


OZ Climate

Northern America






Andrew Gelman ( mainly stats)

Dianne Coyle ( quirky + book reviews)

Vox Wonk

Wednesday 18 September 2024

US Politics

 Taylor Swift

not a fan of her but her statement was impressive. States reasons why she is voting for Harris. Did not say to vote for her BUT to do their research and then vote. Provided a link for those who needed to register to vote.As I said impressive.


Cut rates by 50 basis points. About time and they appear behind the curve. Inflation has been under control for some time if you take annualised rates.

Haitian immigrants

This showed up two things. Trump lies like there is no tomorrow. JD Vance said he had contacts from constituents. firstly you examine the evidence. There is none. Second release the correspondence. He hasn't because either there aren't any or it would be embarrassing to do so.

The second thing is Trump supporters in the media cannot accept he is a liar and they like to show what he says has truth to it. Trust me if a person saw their pet bit just dead but being eaten they would inform the police but also film it or take photographs. This happens all the time but in this instance nothing.

They cannot admit it was a racist lie. the Haitians are immigrants courtesy of a Reagan law. They are very hardworking as Springfield employers attest to.

the USA is an immigrant country. It will go backwards if this changes. Trump has already stated he wil deport all haitians to Venezuela (senility).  done on a large scale as Trump threatens it would have dreadful effecrts on the labour force and mean recession. Add that to his tariff madness and you would have inflation as well!

Tuesday 17 September 2024

time is marching on

 Steve from Brisbane celebrated his 64th birthday last wednesday. Well it is my birthday today and i am the same age as john Quiggin however since his birthday is in April his is a tad older!

I am sorry to say getting old sucks. You need to see the doctor more often and ensure your health insurance is up to date. I have seen hospitals more often than I would like to.

You need to sleep more. I find an afternoon nap essential although it is not long.

The major problem is the world.

Russia invaded Ukraine and the Western world still is frighten of helping ukraine win. After Hamas murdered innocent Israelis the Israeli government has killed over 40,000s of palestinians in attempting to kill hamas operatives. This is collective punishment and therefore a war crime and few countries object. People talk of a two state solution. It won't happen. Gaza is rubble and Israel won't help re-build it. The are over 750,000 israelis living in the West bank illegally. more will come.

All this will perpetuate violence 

One of the candidates for US President is a convicted criminal. He has been convicted of fraud, the company he controls has been convicted of fraud, he has been convicted of sexual assault which the Judge said was akin to rape and finally he falsified business records so people would not find out he had sex with a pron star. Finally lies like there is no tomorrow. Yet the election is close.

It is hard to be optimistic about the future!

Monday 16 September 2024

Where I hand it over to Steve

 Steve from Brisbane ( who is 4 years  younger than I )writes all about it. The Jonathan Chait article is in this weeks Around the Traps on friday.

Kevin Drum is highly relevant as well. 

Thursday 12 September 2024

Around the Traps 13/9/24

 It is time again for Around the Traps


OZ Climate

Northern America






Andrew Gelman ( mainly stats)

Dianne Coyle ( quirky + book reviews)

Vox Wonk

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Harris monstered Trump

 When something happens and it goes exactly as you predicted it is entirely satisficing.So it was with the 'debate' yesterday.

Let us go back a tad. firstly Trump di not win the last debate. Biden scored a really bad own goal. Indeed Biden's performance let people forget how dreadful Trump was. Also important as Harry Enten pointed out he had lost almost every debate he has been in.

On Harris's side too many people have conflated her very unimpressive presidential bid with now. As i have written previously she could not use her background in the primaries.She was given the nickname Coppala. She then veered left and looked uncconvincing.Everything changed when the Supreme court upended roe V Wade. She was the first to see the electoral consequences. This completely changed her. Her self confidence grew almost exponentially. She then thought she knew the electorate and it showed.

Her campaign was typical of this. A supremely self confident politician.

Harris came into the 'debate' well prepared. Trump di not and it showed. HArris dominated the 'debate' and essentially made the issues. TRump looked old, tired and angry. Harris looked happy, confident and engaged. Most importantly she looked god when not talking whereas Trump looked terrible. Add to this she got into Trump's head and lead him down various rabbit holes and you can see why this 'debate' was so overwhelming for Harris.

Harris looked like an ex-President. Trump did not

If Harris is so dumb then what does that make Trump.

Debates rarely move elections so take that into account.

I might just make a comparison with Hillary Clinton. Clinton had more policies than possibly any other candidate but she had no political smarts. Harris had that in spades. Also important is the point Harris is an attractive woman, Clinton is/was not. This helps.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

the two Kevins

 First Kevin Drum on tariffs. Yes he is correct.Only US consumers and producers wil pay any increase in US tariffs.

Second Kevin Bonham investigates 'strange' reporting of polls. Perhaps we can call it shahanning polls!

Naraly I will be watching the 'debate', Few people realise that Trump has never 'won' a debate. ( Biden lost on a bad own goal last time.) I will have a few thoughts on it tomorrow.

Monday 9 September 2024

A little bit on sport

 I am getting old. I want to avoid serious issues today and concentrate on football and cricket.


The socceroos were woeful against Bahrain. The selection was strange. Behich and Duke are clearly past their best. We had no creativity in the midfield and it showed up bigtime. For all the possession we had we rarely looked like scoring. We allowed the opposition to frustrate us and it showed in yellow cards. ( The referee was poor and some of the yellow cards were mystifying).

At least we have found a right back. We had pace upfront but for some unfathomable  when the young man came on and looked good on the right he was switched to the left where he did not know what to do.

We play Indonesia tonight and they drew with Saudia Arabia after leading them.

We can only hope they improve a lot.


The poms have finished their summer of cricket. The West indies were more cold than hot and Sri Lanka were not much better until the Pommy batsmen batted as if it did not matter in the second innings at the oval.

From an Ashed perspective the poms have good depth in batting and wicket keeping. Their fast bowlers apart from a 34 year old Wood could not break 90 mph. This is not good if they come to Australia. Their spinning options are worse. finger spinners are money for jam out here and there was no attempt to promote their legspinner.

It seems we will be relying on an aging pace attack. This may work. more to say after the series with India is concluded

Sunday 8 September 2024

Bill Shorten retires

 Bill Shorten has announced he is going to retire to become Vice Chancellor of the University of Canberra.

Bill Shorten was the head of the AWU before entering parliament. He was one of the university educated union officials. for those interested he got a Arts and law degree and then later a MBA. 

He first came to prominence when he was the public face of the workers down in Tasmania when two miners were  almost buried beneath the surface.

He got to parliament and rose to cabinet level pretty quickly introducing the NDIS to Australia. He switched sides twice in leadership. Firstly turfing out Rudd and then bringing him back.

Perhaps because of this he immediately on assuming being the Leader of the Opposition was to bring a party disunited together again. This was understandable given they lost in a landslide. In this he succeeded. Indeed he was so successful in this and at combatting Tony Abbott as PM he was in line to win in a landslide (although to be fair Tony Abbott's total ineptness helped). This led the Liberals to get rid of Abbott.

Turnbull then won a close election which all the polls showed would be the case although few actually believed them. Turnbull blamed mediscare for the result although the polls showed it made very little impact. Shorten was slow to understand how to combat Turnbull.

In the nest campaign Shorten lost the unlosable election however because of massive polling failures we still do not know why.

Since being in government again Shorten has been perhaps the most impressive minister.

Saturday 7 September 2024

Johnny Jenkins

 I first heard this when I bought Duane Allman's An Anthology.

I thought it fantastic.

So here it is

Thursday 5 September 2024

Around the Traps 6/9/24

 It is time again for Around the Traps.


OZ Climate

Northern America






Andrew Gelman (mainly stats)

Dianne Coyle ( quirky + book reviews)

vox wonk

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Poll roundup

The inimitable Kevin Bonham does his usual poll roundup for which we are all grateful.

I might make a couple of points.

The ALP government is very timid and cautious. something Ross Gittins alludes to.

They are apparently getting blamed for inflation. This could only occur if they didn't make headlines about inflation when they gained office.

Jim Chalmers has essentially copied his old boss Wayne Swan. He has completely ignored the structural deficit. Has he done so he might have gotten more kudos concerning the budget and told of why he had to go softly softly because of recession fears and highlight how the Coalition made no attempt to cut the structural deficit.

Their attitude to gambling is troubling. Everyone wants something done but they seem to be afraid of the lobby re elections.

Their policy on renewables and the coaction's on nuclear power should be a certain winner but it isn't!

I could go on but you get my drift.

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Jim Chalmers is right

 The economy has been hit hard by the RBA's action of raising interest rates.

We still have no idea of what they are doing. Do they believe they have to raise interest rates further and put Australia into recession to reduce inflation?  Just when did inflation which was a supply side shock, not unlike the 1970s oil s pice shock, turn into inflation bey excess demand?

Why is it all the market type factors have been falling but not so much the non-market factors.

Just where in the hell is the economy hot so to speak?

The RBA has been all over the place in attempting to explain its position. I di not think michelle Bullock should have been Governor. Lowe did not make his mistakes on his own and Bullock seems not to understand what occurred in the recession we had to have which was a direct result of RBA policy.

I do have sympathy for Chalmers. The previous government made no attempt at all at fiscal consolidation even when it was apparent the economy was in a rude stake. As I have argued previously it is very hard to attempt this once the RBA has raised rates and are still doing it. He has done some but is understandably wary of doing too much in case it creates a recession.

Raising rates has caused the economy to slow dramatically. The RBA now should know if they have done all the rate rises they need to or not. I think they have.

For all the speeches , press conferences etc their communication has been pretty poor.

Monday 2 September 2024

what to make of AEMO's warning

 We are fortunate to have Alison Reeve of the Grattan Institute fame helps us understand what they are stating.

If I can make one obvious statement that is related. Rooftop solar or solar in general is incompatible with baseload power. Google solar duck curve!

The other thing is if no-one in private enterprise wants to go near coal fired power stations and they are vastly cheaper than nuclear power stations why would any sane person champion nuclear power station? Answer they wouldn't. It is all about culture wars. No-one is that stupid except they are shooting themselves in the foot because as Maggie Thatcher was wont to say there is no alternative ( to renewables).

Sunday 1 September 2024

Trump can't play a trick

 You know things are going badly when you plan a slam dunk election point and it blows up in your face.

Trump was ready to criticise Biden's plan of abandoning Afghanistan ( even though it was Trump's).

Biden was President and he okayed it so he he either the applause or the criticism. It was a disaster.

This was an issue that Trump should have hit out of the park.

It blew up in his face.

We can only assume his team di not know the correct rules when it wa planned and when they did they did not care.

The issue now is about Trump again showing no regard for deceased US soldiers. Who in the hell gives a thumbs up at Arlington? They then physically force a worker away who was just doing her job and then just for good measure insult her.

Not good for attracting independent voters or those who are wavering republican voters.

It also shows a campaign in disarray.