Some basic points.
Once this case started it was pretty clear the evidence was watertight. The prosecution had a number of smoking guns. The tape, the document showing how cohen would be paid.
Trump was a terrible client. Denying clear evidence whether it be paying Cohen or having sexwith the porrn star made Trump's case worse.
Trump's behaviour was as expected appalling.
No-one who has come to Trump's defence has attempted to say Trump was innocent.
It has shown the US Justice system at present is very good. Justice applies to everyone. A jury heard the evidence and came to a conclusion.
Having said that any other person who had said things Trump has said would be in gaol.
Trump's behaviour will be taken into account in sentencing.
Trump has now been convicted of fraud and sexxual assalt of a woman and now this. I am sceptical of this having much change in the US election. A person who has ignored Trump's fraud and sexxual assalt charges wil also ignore these felony charges.
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