Monday 14 August 2017

Fancy the Greens having more integrity than other parties

I would have never thought the Greens of all parties would have more integrity than other parties but in the recent furore concerning dual citizenship they have shown this is the case.
Both Green Senators immediately resigned when they realised they were dual citizens as they should have.
HOWEVER the other three 'clowns' have been shown up as people without any scruples at all. Obfuscation, dissembling, lying  and outright hypocrisy have been to the fore.

If one wishes to be a politician then in most parties you are told to examine whether you hold dual citizenship or not. If you are born in another country or either of your parents have been then you clearly should make some enquiries.
Clearly in three cases this was not done. (I might add the very idea of one's  mother getting you citizenship and not telling you is a woeful excuse!)

The Government is being shown up for sheer hypocrites. After essentially sneering at the Greens when it occurred to their two senators and saying it was correct they resign. They then said Canavan only needed to resign from the Ministry and not vote in the Senate BUT somehow this does not apply to Joyce! Huh?
If the Government has legal advice that shows Joyce position is legal then that advice should be made public.

Yes this part of the Constitution is silly however changing it is very problematic and ensuring you are eligible to be a candidate is not that hard.

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