Monday 26 August 2024

The Myths of Whitlam and Hawke

 I am feeling like I will dispel a few myths today.

Whitlam won in 1972 with a very small swing. Few people realise he was an economic rationalist.

He was both a Rattigan man ( he did change the Tariff board to the IAC afterall) and he was heavily influenced by the Vernon report. One of the best reports ever produced.

his big problem was he won in 1972 not 1969. He faced the oil shock and did not know what to do. He also let sentiment get in the way hen  naming his cabinet.

When Hawke won on 1983 no-one thought he had a brilliant ministry in the making and most did not think he was much of a leader . Caucus simply thought he would win. The economic program was not reforming.

It was their reaction to the problems of the day that made their reputation. Hawke was also helped by Liberal infighting.

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