Wednesday, 10 April 2024

Transgender Issues

 Steve from Brisbane has an article on this.

I am with JK Rowling on this. If the person cannot menstruate than they are not a woman.

In my own football territory we have our own transgender problem. A team known as the flying bats now has a large number of transgender players. They easily won a pre-season competition.

A few things from an ex-referee.

Females rarely go in for shoulder to shoulder tackling. They are therefore not used to someone coming from a few metres away to hit a player with a shoulder to shoulder tackle. Nor are they used to a player bringing a player down with a sliding tackle.

Females do not want to play with transgender players because of this physicality. In a ironic twist it is the females who are being penalised for 'physical' tackles because

  1. They believe they have to be physical to compete
  2. Since they do not know how to be physical when they try to be they do things which are against the laws of the game.
The Transgender problem is therefore causing enormous angst the competition. I think it is likely a number of teams wil lnot play against the team next season by nominating in another division.
It is a lose lose situation.

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