Sunday, 14 April 2024

Israel/ Iran

 From my point of view this all started when Israel bombed the Iran embassy in Syria and killed two generals. The embassy is part of Iran territory thus it was an act of war unlike other things between the two nations. It does not matter if we do not like Iran we have to stick to the facts.

Iran then replied with over 300 missiles, drones etc directed at Israel with Iran knowing full well Israel would shoot most down.

If Israel is smart then there will be no reaction to this and each side can declare victory. However given people on both sides this may not occur. What worries me is politicians on both sides will want to do more because they are weak and need to be seen as decisive and strong.

None of this would have occurred if Trump had not unilaterally break the nuclear agreement. That agreement had seen Iran reduce their nuclear program significantly and the moderates win an election in a landslide because people could see greater economic growth with much reduced sanctions.

Trumps unquestionably poor actions here did a number of things.

  1. It lead  Iran ramping up it nuclear program, THe exact opposite of what was happening before
  2. It boosted the radicals and severely weakened the moderates in Iran.
  3. This is because the radicals were proved correct in saying Iran could NEVER trust the USA. They were proved right.
  4. Iran now is almost permanently led by radical people when the people clearly wanted peace and prosperity

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