A change of pace.
I did write about Endeavour after it finished however I did not write about the last episode.
Here are three views
- endeavour-fred-thursday-final-scene-more-devastating-than-we-thought
- endeavour-series-finale-recap-pbs-inspector-morse-shaun-evans
- farewell-endeavour-what-a-perfect-end-to-one-of-tvs-classic-shows
I don't really think any of these views are wrong. ( I wanted to view the last episode again but the ABC no longer has any episodes at all.) Channel 7 now has it but has not started at series 1 episode 1. grrrr.
A few points.
This is devastating for morse. Thursday has always been both a mentor and a father figure. They have put their lives on the line for each other a number of times but now he is told Thursday has murdered a man to protect his son. I do not think anyone can comprehend how powerful this is to Morse. He can never talk or contact him again. It is why we never learn of thursday in the Inspector Morse series.
At the same time he loses the love of his life to his best mate who marries her and he is best man ( what an irony).
I cannot help of thinking od the last episode of Inspector morse when he is dying in the hospital. Could Strange had said to his wife why did Morse become such an embittered man who drank far too much and joan spills the beans to him.
The episode gives a very good reasons on how Inspector morse starts and finishes! It shows why and how Morse's life is a tragedy. A brilliant detective who in effect hates life.
A bloody great series
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