Sunday, 30 April 2023

US polity is a mess

 Is the USA a failed state?

Sometimes you have a lot of evidence to say it is. It is very hard at present if you are rational and intelligent to vote for a republican. They support insurrections, They do not believe in democracy. they gerrymander electorates to a great extreme and even then expel members on the most spurious of grounds.

They introduce abortion legislation that allows incest, rape and even in some cases puts precedence of unborn children over the mother. They get so het up about transgender ( who are about less the 1% of the population) they blast any of their human rights.\

They also love banning books. you cannot even read about Rosa Park's life in some states.

Then you come to the next presidential election. A contest between Trump and Biden again.

Trump is an inveterate liar, quite easily the most stupid person to be president in out lifetimes and quite corrupt and clearly has authoritarian instincts. Both he and Biden are too old to be President again yet here we are. Yet there is method in biden's madness. Trump is a proven vote loser. The mid terms are usually a referendum on the incumbent in the oval office but Biden managed to make it a referendum on Trump and instead of a shallacking a a decent result.

I cannot see the proliferation of the court cases Trump will face before the next election being a  plus for him with registered independents or democrats voters indeed it could make things worse for him.

I suspect quite a few republicans will hope  Trump succumbs to the cases and a another candidate is offered say Chris Sununu and then easily beats Biden since he is not Trump nor a Trump clone.

The Supreme Court is a mess as well. See HERE, HERE and HERE.

This started with how the last two justices got their job. I said the Supreme court would worry about the respect and authority they have. I was wrong! Thomas should be gone ( sorry but doesn't the man look well Willie Hortonish?), Gorusch should understand what transparency means and roberts should understand his wife's job is untenable.Alito seems to be an intellectual lightweight with a very thin skin.

Add to this Several Trump Judge appointees being an embarrassment together with several state supreme courts being highly partisan and you have little trust or confidence in courts.

In other words the USA is a mess at present.

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