Sunday 26 April 2020

A journey with some denialist blogs

I thought I might recount some adventures with some denialist blogs.

They all came via Jim Rose's blog which says a lot.

The first is Stop these Things.
I am unsure whether articles written on this blog are lies by someone who knows they are blatant lies or simply written about because of pure ignorance.
When I came to this blog it was because of a rant essentially saying electricity prices had risen because of renewables, We had to get back to coal fired power stations because they were reliable and cheaper than renewables.
I made a comment that said basically both the ACCC and Grattan Institute had done research into electricity prices rises over the last ten years and both had found the three main causes , gold plating of the system, profit margins and rises in wholesale prices are all associated with privatisation. I should add here no-one but no-one has rebutted this research. What the denialists do is simply ignore it.
Moreover units in coal fired power stations broke down once every three days and both new wind and new solar were either as cheap as old coal or cheaper. They were both very much cheaper then a new coal fired power station.
I was banned for that comment but was never told. My comment s just suddenly 'vanished'.

the second is Not a lot of people know that. It is run by Paul Homewood.  HERE is a great example of Neven from Arctic ice blog showing up Homewood as an ignoramus.
I came across Homewood after his writing that our bushfires were a result of a lack of hazard reduction. His source was the Australian.
I made a comment showing the reasoning was inaccurate. He was not convinced. I made another linking  two articles which I wrote about HERE.
I was promptly banned because I had linked the ABC and they were not to be trusted.

The third is Trust yet verify. It concerned the Telsa battery. I questioned his use of using 2 Y axis. I was banned for doing this. Again no  reason was given and nor was I told.
In this instance I have no idea of what is going on. I can only assume his banning is because he clearly could not answer my questions about using 2 Y axis.

Only three blogs I know but a similarity none the less. People running denialist blogs are very insecure and rarely understand the topic they are writing about.

Says it all really

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