Tuesday 21 May 2019

Tax offsets are not tax cuts plus RBA awkwardness

okay let us get down to tin taks.
A tax cut is when your paypacket is larger every time you get paid as there is less tax being taken out.

A tax offset is simply a cash splash given by the government which is in addition to any tax refund you may get AFTER you put your tax return in

I think it likely the economic effect of a tax offset will be larger than a tax cut.but we shall see.

The government had to know this would be delayed  when the election was called for May 18. if they did not they were either incompetent or simply did not care as they expected to lose.

As for the RBA let me outsource this to Ricardian Ambivalence.

My onlu thoughts what is so  different in June that was absent in May. If you examine RA's blog you wil see there is nothing!

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