Wednesday 10 April 2019

Israel Folau again

Rugby player and christian Israel Folau put out something on social media.
THIS basically shows how the media overall sees what Folau says.

Now before we go on we should examine rugby Australia's DIVERSITY POLICY.

Interesting eh!

Folau is talking about Heaven and Hell. Rugby Australia is talking about who can play rugby.

I can see a lot of legal work coming up if Rugby Australia attempts to say Folau has breached their policies.

Slow update:

Rugby Australia has sacked Folau. I will be interested if Folau takes legal action

Further Update:
Why has No-one who has criticised Folau read THIS
Croaking Cassandra on this.

Phillip Jensen magnificent on his first 'offence'

The Australian Christian League enters the fray.

As Brad De Long would say MOAR

Very Late update:
This is Terrible. An academic who doesn't even know the facts. Folau has NEVER argued against inclusion in rugby . He has actually done the opposite.

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