Monday 25 February 2019

A couple of points of australian polity

I am feeling a little weary for some strange reason.

I now do not know any political staffers. some-one I know did run into one who works in NSW.
This staffer thinks the Libs are gone in the NSW state election and is looking to work in Canberra but thinks that will end in May!!

I notice Scott Morrison is attempting to use the phrase the canberra bubble to divert attention away from his troubles there.
The only problem with this is it can backfire on you. When the finance minister of all people books an overseas trip but does not pay for it because he forgets about it the punters know that person is living on a canberra bubble.
When normal people book a trip they get an e-mail straight away with the bill. If they do not pay it by a certain date. No trip at all.

They also know they could not get away from not being interviewed by the police on any matter.

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