Wednesday 19 December 2018

The highly unimpressive Angus Taylor

Angus Taylor is the current energy minister.
He is very unimpressive. I heard him interviewed this morning on Radio National by the impressive Hamish McDonald.

One phrase he uses as does his dear leader is what is the sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow?

This must be one of the most stupid statements made in modern polity.

Solar and wind farms exist or will exist in every state that is connected with the inter-connector.

Do these men actually believe on a certain days or various days the sun does not shine in every state? Are they wanting us to believe on a certain day or various days the wind isn't blowing in every state?

Moreover demand for electricity is highest on very hot days. These are the days we see units in coal powered power stations break down and solar power is at its peak.

Angus Taylor either does not know this which means he is ignorant or he does ( which is more likely given his body language and replies to questions) and therefore is misleading at best or lying at worst.

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