I again make the point I do not necessarily agree with all the articles.
The James Hamilton article on R&R is one I have actually written against here on this blog. However it is still an article worthy to read as are the comments, well some of them anyway!
Aussie,Aussie,Aussie, Oy,Oy,Oy
- Gummo Trostsky on the-humbug-martyrdom-of-andrew-bolt and then the-humbug-martyrdom-of-andrew-bolt-2
- Mumble on joe_is_muscular, good_money_after_bad and bring_out_the_chloroform
- Matt Cowgill on welcome-back-wages-breakout
- Stephen King on has Tom Waterhouse won the prisoner's dilema
- Sinclair Davidson gives us from-hansard-scott-ryan-and-the-pbo. a pity he doesn't understand!
- Ricardian Ambivalence says the-june-rba-meeting-is-live and capex-carefully
- Ross Gittins on political-cycle-of-cynicism-and-naivety
- Harry Clarke on victorian-taxi-reforms
- Steve Kates shows he has self awareness problems
- Paul Fritjers on The rise in mental health problems
- Andrew Elder on the-aroma-of-decay
- Robert Merkel on chinese-hackers-and-labor
- Tony the Teacher on affirminate-affirminate or why Dr Who is a racist because he loves cricket! Sacra bleu
- Simon Jackman on his first article for Guardian Australia
- politifact.com.au/truth-o-meter essential reading with an election in September
- Mark the ballot with predictions-at-35-months-out and Mark the graph with recessions
- Christoher Joye shows he doesn't understand the PBO analysis
- Peter Martin on australia-you-are=standing-in -the-middle-of-a -delicate=transition
US(including Canada)
- OZ's own Ricardian Ambivalence looks at fed-wrestles-market and rosengren-loses-a-feather and then us-inflation-plunge-continues
- Calculated Risk on public-and-private-sector-payroll-jobs- under Reagan, Bush, clinton ,Bush and Obama.
- Robert Waldeman on on-dean-baker-vs-paul-krugman
- Mark Thoma gives us Tim Duy's fed-watch-september-looking-good and fed-watch-more-uncertainty
- Kruggers on rate-stories and we-are-not-having-a-serious-discussion-obamacare-edition then read Ezra Klein on the-shocking-truth-about-obamacares-rate-shock then Robert Waldeman on forbes-fight
- James Hamilton on reinhart_and_rogoff_defend_themselves
- Brad De-Long on miles-kimball-and-yichuan-wang-contra-reinhart-and-rogoff-high-debtgdp-primarily-a-result-of-rather-than-a-cause-of-slower-growth
- Mark Thoma gives us Andrajit Dube whogives us a-note-on-debt-growth-and-causality
- Naturally Kruggers on debt-and-growth-the-state-of-the-debate
- Mike Konzal gives us guest-post-dube-growth-debt-and-past-versus-future-windows
- David Altig on a-subtle-view-of-labor-market-improvement
- Mark Thoma gives us labor-union-decline-not-computerization-main-cause-of-rising-corporate-profits
- Carola Binder ( who looks decidely hot on a seasonally adjusted basis)on this-time-is-not-so-different-the-euro-crisis -and-the1840s
- Frances Woolley on visible-minorities-distinctly-canadian
- Jazzbumpa on more-on-ineffective-fiscal-policy
- Sam Wang on nyt-forgets-basic-statistics-bloomberg-businessweek-forgets-2012
- Dean Crawford on health-care-thoughts-carrot-and-stick
- James Hamilton asks is_social_security_running_out_of_money
- Livio De Matteo looks atfiscal-equity-taxes-and-gtha-transit
- Kruggers on nightmare-in-portugal, procyclical-policy-for-germany, the-neverending-irish-success-story and Irish feedback and sad anecdote
- and then Philip Lane on portugal-waiting-it-out
- Stephen Kinsella on the-impact-of-the-eurozone-crisis-on-irish-social-partnership-a-political-economy-analysis
- Simon Wren-Lewis on data-theory-and-central-bank-models
- Jonathon Portes on european-commissions-recommendations-uk-macroeconomic-policy
- Philip Lane on why-do-sovereigns-default-and-why-dont-they-default-more-often
- Seamus Coffey on ec-country-specific-recommendations
- Brenda Rosser on why-has-austerity-led-to-disaster-in-Greece But Brenda Catallaxy says it is a success!
- Adam Posen says is-europe-right-to-abandon-austerity/austerity-has-made-europes-real-problem-worse Thanks Brad De Long
- Mark Thoma on the-beginning-of-the-end-for-eurozone-austerity
- Brad De Long brings us wolfgang-munchau-the-return-of-austerity
- The thoughtful David Glasner asks whats-with-japan and then is-japan-a-currency-manipulator
- Menzies Chin on can_japan_export_its_way_to_recovery
- Ricardian Ambivalence on boj-kuroda-japanese-flows
- Noah Smith on science-fiction-for-economists, bets-do-not-necessarily-reveal-beliefs
- Tim Harford tells us a-simple-way-to-make-a-great-cup-of-coffee
- Diane Coyle on physics-envy,the-paradox-of-trust
- Mark Thoma gives us Tim Taylor who examines china-and-the-environmental-kuznets-curve
- Steve Roth and public-debt-and-safe-assets-a-view-from-space
- Nick Rowe on how-can-we-spot-a-boom and monopolistic-competition-vs-the-plucking-mode
- Menzies Chin on spurring_growth
- Steve Roth on why-libs-and-cons-should-all-love-milton-friedmans-corporate-tax-proposal
- The sports economist on sir-alex-his-peers
- Frances Wooley on bikeshare-programs-good-feelings-bad-economics and friends-for-myles-social-networks-and-tax-compliance
- Brian and his ever reliable climate-clippings
Andrew Gelman ( Statistics really)
- annals-of-spam
- more-spam
- simplify-until-your-fake-data-check-works-then-add-complications-until-you-can-figure-out-where-the-problem-is-coming-from
- escalatingly-uncomfortable
- another-one-of-those-psychological-science-papers
- infill-asymptotics-and-sprawl-asymptotics
- benfords-law-and-addresses
- how-to-fix-the-tabloids-toward-replicable-social-science-research
- flame-bait
- Good Stats Bad Stats on tornado graphics that don't work and when a forcast is not a forcast
David Giles ( Econometrics)
- Noah Smith on what-can-you-do-with-dsge-model and dsge-financial-frictions-macro-that-work? and finally(?) what-does-it-mean-to-have-predicted
- Lord Keynes on some-empirical-evidence-on-endogenous-money and the-law-of-demand-in-neoclassical-economics
- Simon Wren-Lewis on debating-helicopter-money and my-verdict-on-ngdp-targets
- Mark Thoma gives us Peter Dorman the-aggregate-supplyaggregate-demand-model-in-the-econ-blogosphere
- Kruggers on a-sad-story-i-mean-as-ad-story-wonkish
- Peter Dorman on as-ad-counting-ballots
- preparing-export
- technology-and-income-dynamics-1800-2000
- public-and-private-saving-and-long-shadow-macroeconomic-shocks
- small-isn-t-always-beautiful-cost-french-regulation
- gains-trade-firms-and-productivity
- rethinking-macroeconomic-policy-getting-granular
- could-iranian-sanctions-work-yes-and-no-not-perhaps
- new-challenges-bank-competition-policy
- asean-does-convergence-mean-polarisation